Hi while going through the Django Book I ran into the following code
Being fairly new to Python the code kind of confused me

from django.db import models     --->lineA
class Publisher(models.Model):  --->line B

Consider line A
 from django.db import models
This means that in the django directory therewill be a subdirectory of
db from in which either you'll find a file called models.py or a
directory called models??Rite?? so there is a directory called
models..great Let me know if what i said was correct.

Moving on to Line B
class Publisher(models.Model):
i am more interested in the models.Model.
does that mean in the models folder youll find a Model.py ??  I cant
seem to find Model.py then?? could anyone please clear this
concept..why cant i find this file ?? I would like to take a look at
the base class models.Model.
I have checked a couple of sites on python tutorial and they dont
cover imports in that much detail....

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