
Thank you for the clarification. Just a couple of questions below ...

On 1/08/2011 11:09pm, Russell Keith-Magee wrote:
Close, but not quite.

  * USE_I18N turns on the availability of translations at all. If
USE_I18N is false, all translation-related activities are no-ops.

  * Assuming USE_I18N is enabled, the current language can be set using
either the browsers language header*or*  using a call to a url
activating a specific language for a session
(django.views.i18n.set_language). Any text marked for translation will
use the usual ugettext tools and the .mo data files to determine the
translated text.

  *  By default, all numbers and dates are rendered using the global
format settings.
I can see those in django.conf.global_settings

If USE_L10N is enabled, the file
corresponding to the currently enabled language will be used to
determine date/number formats.
settings.LANGUAGE_CODE determines the "currently enabled language" as implied by the comment in the django-admin generated - if it hasn't been set in some other way as you mention above. But looking ahead to your next point below, should this one also say ".. and USE_L18N is enabled .."?

  * If USE_L10N is enabled, but USE_I18N isn't, then the global
language code will be used to determine the formats file that is used.

Do we need *both* USE_L10N and USE_I18N set true to give effect to date/number formats in the "currently enabled language"?

It makes sense to me that we do. Although, I want localised formatting long before I want translations.



  * There are a couple of edge cases in form processing around L10N.
For reasons of backwards compatibility, localized formatting isn't
automatically turned on for the display of form data, so you have to
turn on localize=True on every field that you want to display data in
a localized format.

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