Sorry if there is an obvious answer to this, but I couldn't find it.

Based off of the following:

class ObjectA(models.model):
    name = models.CharField(length=20)

class ObjectB(models.model):
    name = models.CharField(length=20)
    a = models.ForeignKey(ObjectA, related_name="bs")

In the view I do this:

a = get_object_or_404(ObjectA, pk=object_a_id)
b ='b_id', False)) = 'some new name'

This objects in are not updated.  Shouldn't the get procedure
return a reference?  If not how do I do this.  I need to access the
foreign key by id and have it updated in the parent object.  The only
way I could find to do this is to loop through list until I
found the matching id and modify the object that way, but that isn't
nearly as neat and clean.

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