On Fri, Jul 15, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Andre Terra <andrete...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Shawn,
> Chalk one up for option A.
> I never, ever, ever, use them and they can get dropped for all I care,
> considering how easy they are to implement "manually".
> They are also my go-to example for teaching new users how to modify their
> model's save method and I believe the shortcuts only add "magic" without
> bringing in real benefits. One could even argue that their existence creates
> an extra, unnecessary step in the learning curve for beginners. Bottom line,
> it's more often a nuisance than it is a shortcut.
> Cheers,
> André

I'll give a weak vote for C: They can be, and presumabley have been, made to
work correctly, in a peer reviewed setting, by folks with significant
so having the less experienced noob implement his own is a little like saying
that you should implement your own encryption scheme instead of using an
available implementation - you have a good chance at getting it wrong.

Bugs happen, and they get noticed and fixed.  The prior existence of a bug is
not a good justification to avoid the feature, it's a justification
for the effort of
staying up to date on patches.


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