
I want to use django auth_user table for authentication of another
application which uses "apache basic auth" with module auth_mysql. The
code below runs well with MD5 passwords without salt. But django works
sha1 and with salt.

What should I do?


AuthName "Hi.. Please login"
AuthType Basic
AuthBasicAuthoritative Off
Auth_MySQL On
Auth_MySQL_Authoritative on
Auth_MySQL_Host localhost

Auth_MySQL_User django-mysql-user
Auth_MySQL_Password some-password
Auth_MySQL_DB django-mysql-database
Auth_MySQL_Password_Table auth_user

Auth_MySQL_Empty_Passwords Off
Auth_MySQL_Encrypted_Passwords on

Auth_MySQL_Username_Field email
Auth_MySQL_Password_Field password
Auth_MySQL_Encryption_Types PHP_MD5

AuthUserFile /dev/null

Require valid-user

Ali Rıza Keleş

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