I personally have a dedicated gMail account for lists, which forwards
everything to my main gMail account, and then all list e-mails get
filtered into a "lists" label/folder.


Here's some (random) thoughts from a (self proclaimed) listserv
veteran and Django/Python noob:


Am I the only one that likes to read list e-mails via his smartphone?

Does SO have an app?

I love SO when I am using my desktop, but I don't think I have ever
visited that site on my iPhone. Granted, all my coding is done on my
desktop, so surfing/searching the net is easier, but still... Mail.app
is just easy. :)


I work at a company where my computer monitor is visible to anyone
walking by... Having my e-mail client open (Gmail) is much less risky
than having to constantly surf SO (or other forums) to keep updated.


Related to above, having to dedicate yet another browser "app" tab to
another site does not sound optimal.


Folks interested in improving existing Django resources might contact
Charles Leifer:


Looks like he is open to suggestions.


I think the former jQuery Google group is a prime example of what I
would /not/ like to see:


They moved the Google group to a dedicated forum:


Personally, I am not a fan of the jQuery forum software; if I have to
use a forum, I much prefer the standard vBulletin software.

What frustrated me most about the jQuery move is that they turned off
the Google Group list... I just don't visit the jQuery forum unless I
have an urgent question. I hate to admit it, but I never hang out to

It makes me wonder how many folks left the jQuery scene because of the
move to forums?


As I said above, I think SO is great, but is it just me, or has anyone
else found the barrier to participation an annoyance?

I can't count the number of times I could have "chipped in" to help
out, but because I did not have a "reputation" or "points", I moved on
with my life without sharing an answer.

I  personally don't have time to worry about gaining points and/or
voting for things (see #2 above).


For me, I think the moral of the story is this: The more resources the


Thanks for listening.


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