On Jul 5, 3:32 pm, ddghl <djkrauks...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Help guys i need append or join django  title =
> db.StringProperty(required=True)    

db.StringProperty is not Django - are you sure you're at the right
place ?

But anyway, assuming you're using Django's templating system

> now is <title>{{ article.title }}</title>  => "Bla bla bla" but i need  
> <title>{{ article.title + string or global variable  }}</title>

<title>{{ article.title }} and some more text</title>
<title>{{ article.title }} {{ some_var }}</title>
<title>{{ article.title }} {{ some_var.some_attribute }}</title>

for the second and third examples you obviously need to have
"some_var" in the template's context, whether from the view or from a

FWIW, all this is fairly well documented in the FineManual(tm):

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