I using a textfield to store some information and in admin
input interface i enter like this

Action: check WSMB
Reason: customer check this then got error
Result: finish, result is good, in spec

every single sentence every row, I using markdown to convert
this plain text to html but it did not go as i expected.

the formated text is below,

<p>Action: check WSMB
Reason: customer check this then got error
Result: finish, result is good, in spec</p>

this is not what i expected, i want every single sentence every row,
it misses some html mark.
what should i do?

someone help me.

My function of markdown.

from markdown import markdown

    self.action_html = markdown(self.action_detail, extensions = [],
                       safe_mode=True, output_format = 'html4',)

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