I have a somewhat similar situation.

In my form, fields from various database tables are combined.
A user may add/edit/delete/doesn't change fields.
While saving the form, the logic should check--
1) which table(s) would require add SQL statement,
2) which table(s) require update stmt,
3) which one(s) require delete stmt.
At present, I am using some other web framework.
There, I need to do the circus of deriving the above statements.
Although one can write a class for the above, I would be happy if
something similar is already there in django.

In such a case, I may abandon my present framework & switch to this
web framework.

Does anybody know about such a facility here?
Any comments / response highly pappreciated.

On Jun 30, 9:23 am, qMax <qwigly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello here.
> My application task is to integrate several applications, and it
> should manipulate objects, spread among several tables in several
> databases. Final object is constructed by 'joining' tables by single
> field (or derivatives).
> A user should see such objects as solid entities and manipulate them
> with basic CRUD operations (with search).
> Backend should synchronize all changes in all databases.
> And i wish i could use admin site for that.
> If i guess correctly, all required magic should go into custom
> QuerySet implementation to properly translate CRUD operations on
> models into various distributed requests on databases, like zigzag-
> joins, etc instead of usual sql.Queries.
> I wonder if QuerySet is the only consolidation of such interface.
> What else should i customize to make it work? (i see at least
> db.models.Manager should be customized to use another queryset impl)
> Also, how to figure out what subset of QuerySet interface is used in
> admin site?
> Maybe, someone already managed similar task and there are some recipes?

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