Hi Karen:

Thank you for your response. The reason that I care about about column order 
is so that I can use the same template for different queries with arbitrary 
column orders using a single variable. I would like to be able to extract 
the field key name and use them directly in the column header. Perhaps 
something like this:

01 {% extends "base.html" %}
03 {% block head %}{{title}}{% endblock %}
05 {% block content %}
06   {% if rows %}
07     <table class="cls1 cls2">
08        {% for row in rows %}
09          {% if forloop.first %}
11             <tr class="cls3">
12               <!-- The headers -->
13               {% for key,val in row %}
14                  <th class="cls4">key</th>
15               {% endfor %}
16             </tr>
18             {% cycle even odd as rc %}
19             <tr class="cls5 {{rc}}">
20               {% for key,val in row %}
21                 <td class="cls6">val<td>
22               {% endfor %}
23             </tr>
24          {% endfor %}
25        {% endfor %}
26     </table>
27   { %endif }
28 {% endblock %}

Instead, what I am doing now is I am manually adding the column titles as a 
separate template variable.



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