
Thanks for the quick reply =).

If we go with the third approach, what advantages are there to persisting 
the models in MongoDB (or something similar like Redid.or Cassandra), as 
opposed to a traditional RDBMS? (I just want to get a good handle on the 

Furthermore, is there a particular reason you picked MongoDB over the other 
NoSQL solutions?

Also, in terms of actually persisting the temporary models to MongoDB, I can 
just use PyMongo and store the dicts themselves - and just user a nested 
dict to represent all the model instances from a given import file. Any 
issues with that approach?

Thanks for the tip about using asynchronous processing for the import file - 
I didn't think the file would be that big/complex to process, but I suppose 
it's probably the better approach to do it all asynchronously, instead of 
just hoping it won't grow larger I the future. In this case, I suppose I can 
just use Ajax on the page itself to check on the status of the queue?


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