On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 8:02 PM, Russell Keith-Magee
<russ...@keith-magee.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 7:02 AM, Kyle Gong <k...@kiwiinteractive.com> wrote:
>> I was trying to avoid setting up a mail server by just sending through
>> gmail's SMTP server. It is sending correctly through
>> django.utils.log.AdminEmailHandler and it was my understanding that they
>> worked through the same mechanisms?
> My apologies -- I didn't register that you were using connecting
> directly to GMail's servers to send mail.
> You haven't provided your mail settings, so it's impossible to know
> exactly what is going wrong, but my best guess would be that you don't
> have the EMAIL_USE_TLS setting enabled. GMail's servers use TLS to
> provide on-the-wire security, but Django has this turned off by
> default (since most mail servers don't enable TLS by default).
> As far as debugging this problem goes -- my advice would be to start
> lower in the stack. I can guarantee that if your email configuration
> is right, then 404 mails will be sent -- the real issue is whether the
> email configuration is correct. To verify this, use the mail APIs
> directly. From a Python prompt on your sever:
>>>> from django.core import mail
>>>> mail.send_mail("A subject", "This is the message", "m...@example.com", 
>>>> ["recipi...@example.com"])
> substituting "m...@example.com" with your own address, and
> "recipi...@example.com" with another email address you can test with.
> This call should return 1, indicating that 1 email was sent. If it
> doesn't, or it raises an error, you should get some indication of what
> has gone wrong.
... and I've just re-read your original message, and realized that
you've already done this.

/me looks sheepish

So, If DEBUG = False, and SEND_BROKEN_LINK_EMAILS = True, then you
should be getting emails on 404s.

Trying to think of some other reasons you might not be getting error emails...

You wont be getting 500 emails if:
 * you have a custom 500 handler, or

You won't be getting 404 messages if
 * the common middleware isn't enabled
 * the URLs you're hitting match the values in IGNORABLE_404_STARTS,
 * Your user agent isn't settings a HTTP_REFERER header
 * Your user agent hasn't got a HTTP_REFERER header that matches the
domain of your server

Hope this is slightly more helpful than my last two attempts...

Russ Magee %-)

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