Hi Herman,

We have actually just implemented this on one of our other sites still in
development. The problem with keyword highlighting is you have to be careful
not to enter into infinite loops, by ensuring you only match keywords
outside of existing HTML tags. Normally I'd just say "figure it out for
yourself", but this particular task took me about 4-5 hours to figure out,
and was eventually solved by someone elses regex on google, so it's only
fair I share :)

Here is the code we have used (works 100% of the time so far) - this is
quickly modified cut and paste, so you may need to tinker with it to make it

    #TODO: Apply keywords
class Filtering:
    def apply_keywords(self, message, keywords):
        if message:
            _pattern = r'(%s)(?!([^<]+)?>)' % ( "|".join(map(lambda x:
re.escape(x.get('word')), keywords)) )
            _keyword_re = re.compile(_pattern, flags = re.IGNORECASE)
            message = _keyword_re.sub("<span
class='KeywordMatch'>\\1</span>", message)
        return message

Example usage:
html_here = """

<div class="lazy">lazy</div>
<div class="lazy">dog</div>
>>> f = Filtering()
>>> f.apply_keywords(html_here, [{'word':'lazy'}, {'word':'dog'},
{'word':'jumps'} ]);
'\n<span class=\'KeywordMatch\'>lazy</span>\n<span
class=\'KeywordMatch\'>dog</span></b>\n\n<div class="lazy"><span
class=\'KeywordMatch\'>lazy</span></div>\n<div class="lazy"><span

Enjoy :)

On Wed, Jun 22, 2011 at 1:28 PM, Herman Schistad

> Hi there fellow developers.
> I'm wondering if anyone has seen an app which does the following:
> * Finds keywords in the templates, which is defined by the user and
> then creates internal links to these.
> Use-case:
> 1. I create keyword: "Cupcakes" and give it the href/URL property:
> /info/cupcakes/ in adminpanel
> 2. I write a flatpage/template where I mention the word cupcakes
> 3. Middleware notices this word and renders a <a
> href="/info/cupcakes/>cupcakes</a> link automatically
> Kind of like Wikipedia, but the user does not need to define links
> themselves in markup etc.
> If this does not exist, I would guess it could be pretty popular as a
> SEO tool and I would be glad to discuss development with interested
> parties.
> --
> With regards, Herman Schistad
> --
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