On Tue, Jun 21, 2011 at 11:16 PM, Calvin Spealman <ironfro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Interesting project. My first question was going to be "Why aren't you
> just using Celery?" until I got to the part of the description that
> says it is built on *top* of celery.

Yes, it might be a good idea to put that in the beginning of the info.

> The first question that comes up for me is how or if you track which
> processes have already been run, to keep them from being executed more
> than they should. For example, if you had a process that blurred
> uploaded images, you wouldn't want it run more than once, because it
> is destructive.

Well, each time a processor is executed it creates a record in the
database, with a link to the item it processed. The current system
will show if some processor has been used on a given model instance
before, but nothing is stopping you from processing that instance
again. Perhaps the processor could have some extra property saying if
it should only be executed once for any given item? A possible 0.2.0
feature :-).

Thanks for your interest :-)


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