On Tuesday, 21 June 2011 15:47:32 UTC+1, Jeff Blaine wrote:
> Okay, here's the problem.
> >>> f = dev._meta.get_field('distro')
> >>> f.value_from_object(dev)
> 2L
> value_from_object is defined as:
> ========================================================
>     def value_from_object(self, obj):
>         "Returns the value of this field in the given model instance."
>         return getattr(obj, self.attname)
> ========================================================
> >>> f.attname
> 'distro_id'
> >>>
> As others guessed, value_from_object() is returning the pk ID in this
> case.
> Model "Distro" is the only model of mine showing this behavior, as it is 
> the
> only foreign key "target" model I have defined without named primary key.
> From what I can tell, value_from_object() is actually mis-named, and should
> be named pkvalue_from_object(), no?  Or is there some case where 
> self.attname
> for a field is *not* set to the primary key attribute name?
> Any ideas?  I really want (concept) 
> "myfield.unicode_representation_of_object(myobject)"

But why do you need to get that value via the *field* object? The usual way 
to do it is simply to access the attribute directly on the model instance:


or, if you have the field name as a string as you imply originally, use 

    unicode(getattr(dev, 'distro'))

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