Please please please please PLEASE, always post the code you are having
trouble with. I've lost track on the amount of times people have to be told
this :/ It's like saying "I made a change to this file, but it didn't work,
why not?" Come on man.

On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 5:48 PM, Kyle Latham <> wrote:

> I'm trying to work my way through the tutorial 1 but am getting stuck.
> I am using python 2.7 and am using SQLite3 like the tutorial
> recommended for beginners
> I am at the step where I am changing the file to add the
> _unicode_ methods to display the Poll Object
> I believe I have the NAME in the file set up correctly. I
> first set did
> 'NAME': 'database.db',
> to create my database file, then I changed it to the path to that
> file.
> Anyways, after I modified the file to display the
> question...
> >>> Poll.objects.all()
> [<Poll: What's up?>]
> I am still getting
> >>> Poll.objects.all()
> [<Poll: Poll object>]
> as the output.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Kyle
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