
I tried and tried to get Django to work with IIS on my Windows Server,
but could not get it to work. I would love to know how you did it. I
finally gave up and installed Apache on Windows. Will this work with
an existing Django project?


On Jun 15, 2:52 am, Yaroslav Govorunov <govoru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> We have recently developed a solution to install and run Django
> applications on Microsoft IIS. Here is the link:  
> http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/
> Currently IIS 7, 7.5 and IIS Express are supported.  We expect to
> demonstrate production level performance in this environment on
> release. To use the solution you will need to install Web Platform
> Installer, as shown on the page, then click on "Blank Django Project"
> and after installation is completed overwrite this blank project with
> a real one or start development from this point.
> Please help us to beta-test our solution. We need to collect some
> statistic on how real Django application is operating in IIS
> environment.  Please direct either success or fail reports to
> supp...@helicontech.com or tweet using #heliconzoo 
> hashtag:http://twitter.com/?status=%23heliconzoo
> Thanks in advance!
> Yaroslav Govorunov
> Helicon Techhttp://www.helicontech.com

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