Are you using your own fixtures (like initial_data.json)?
Is it possible that in your initial_data.json ( or whatever fixture
you're using) that you're including entries into the content_types
table? You should probably remove that from your fixtures and let
django build the content types dynamically.

If not, we'll probably need more info. Like examples of your models,, etc.

On Jun 13, 6:12 am, Amit Sethi <> wrote:
> Hi all , I am trying to introduce some messaging capability in my app.
> I tried to create a generic relation between some part of my messaging
> app and a model in one of my previous apps. However when fixtures load
> I get this error. I am not able to make head and tail of this . What
> is happening can some explain to me
> IntegrityError: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> "django_content_type_app_label_key"
> Also what is the possible solution .
> --
> A-M-I-T S|S

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