I'm a very beginner developer. I'm just wondering how you got the
actual styling together? Did you bang all that out with photoshop/css/
javascript or something? Cause I want to make a website, but I don't
know if I should go ahead and learn this way, or if there is an easier
way. Thank you.

On Jun 4, 7:58 am, Shamail Tayyab <pleoma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
>    From some time I've been working on thishttp://tunesdiary.com
> which is now running live on Django.
> It was a cool learning experience with my first site in Django after I
> came in from rails background and this group had been real supporting
> to me (thanks for the support guys, this is one real active group).
> Few things that I liked about Django are:
> * ORM/Signals - definitely makes your life so simple..
> * Inbuilt support for authentication and its applicability..
> * Middleware approach towards design..
> * Powerful templating - especially the templatetags thing.
> * And a lot more..
> I'ld like you to review my work and do tell me the goods and more
> important, the bads..
> With best regards
> --
> Shamail Tayyab
> P.S The site uses Facebook to login (as of now), I definitely has a
> lot of plans to fix that, but being alone on this work is not
> permitting time to get around to add standard login and some other
> contexts like twitter/openID.

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