
below is model

class Employee(models.Model):
  name = models.CharField(max_length=50, primary_key=True)
  dep = models.CharField(max_length=10)
  class Meta(object):
    db_table = u'employee'

class EmpSal(models.Model):
  emp_name = models.ForeignKey(Employee, db_column='emp_name')
  emp_sal = models.FloatField()
  class Meta(object):
    db_table = u'empsal'

class EmpWork(models.Model):
  emp_wrk = models.ForeignKey(Employee, db_column='emp_wrk')
  emp_doj = models.DateField()
  class Meta(object):
    db_table = u'empwork'

here i can make join from EMployee and EmpWork


here i can make join from EMployee and EmpSal


My Questions:

   how to make a relation between EmpWork and EMPSal 
   how to join all three once Employee,EMPWork,EMPSal
   - if i want to make a relation 

Employee.objects.filter(empsal__emp_sal=10000).values('name') ?

this return empty list ?

   - how to get all the employee sal who's doj is example '2010-10-15' ? 

If possible can you please give example with making relation with ORM

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