
I have a custom templatetag function like this:

def rem_get_request(getrequest,name):
        req = getrequest.copy()

        for get_item in name.split('&'):
                if get_item in req and req[get_item]:
                        get_item = get_item.strip()
                        del req[get_item]

        if req:
                return u"?%s" % (req.urlencode())
        return u""

"getrequest" parameter is request.GET
and "name" parameter is the parameters to be removed, splitted by '&'
(ampersand) (ie "min_price&max_price" )

The problem is:
If request.GET has more than 1 parameter (
?tag=mytag&min_price=1000&max_price=1500 ) i can remove one or more
parameters. But if request.GET contains only one parameter (
?tag=mytag ) then it doesnt work. the "if" statement works, but "del"
doesnt work. i cannot remove this last parameter. What am i doing

Thanks for your information.

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