So I have this stack trace on my production server. I can't reproduce
it locally and it doesn't occur with an older version of the same site
deployed on the same server.

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./dependencies/django/core/handlers/", line 222, in
    from django.conf import settings
SystemError: ../Objects/tupleobject.c:118: bad argument to internal

Some details:
 - nginx 0.8.54
 - uwsgi
 - django 1.3 (previous version which is working is 1.2.5)
 - python 2.5.2
 - debian 5.0.8

Since the older deployment which is running fine I have added some new
 - django.contrib.comments
 - south
 - cumulus
 - pagination
 - taggit
 - djangoratings
 - compressor

Plus added a few extra custom settings for the various apps. So on
with the questions:

1. Anyone seen this before? The only other reference that I can find
to that line of python is here (

2. Any tips on how I can find out what has changed to cause it? Aside
from rolling back through weeks of revisions to find what triggered

3. I am about to try upgrading python to a newer version, is that
likely to make any difference? I have already tried 2 different
versions of uwsgi ( and, but I don't want to mess
around with the production environment too much, or risk breaking the
live sites.


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