On Tuesday, May 24, 2011 11:13:31 AM UTC+1, Lloyd Dube wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I am trying to parse an XML feed and display the text of each child node 
> without any success. My code in the python shell is as follows:
> >>>import urllib
> >>>from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET
> >>>content = urllib.urlopen('
> http://xml.matchbook.com/xmlfeed/feed?sport-id=&vendor=TEST&sport-name=&short-name=Po
> ')
> >>>xml_content = ET.parse(content)
> I then check the xml_content object as follows:
> >>>xml_content
> <xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree instance at 0x01DC14B8>
> And now, to iterate through its child nodes and print out the text of each 
> node:
> >>>for node in xml_content.getiterator('contest'):
> ...        name = node.attrib.get('text')
> ...        print name
> ...
> >>>
> Nothing is printed, even though the document does have 'contest' tags with 
> text in them. If I try to count the contest tags and increment an integer 
> (to see that the document is traversed) I get the same result - the int 
> remains at 0.
> >>> i = 0
> >>> for node in xml_content.getiterator('contest'):
> ...     i += 1
> ...
> >>> i
> 0
> What am I getting wrong? Any hints would be appreciated.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Sithembewena Lloyd Dube

This isn't really a Django question...

Nevertheless, the issue is probably in the line "name = 
node.attrib.get('text')". What this does is get the attribute of the current 
node that has the name 'text' - ie if your XML was like this:

    <contest text="foo"/>

However, what you probably have is this:


in which case you just want to access the `text` property directly:

    name = node.text


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