It is weird that database error is in "adminaddress" and the name of
the table starts with "address_".
how is your "INSTALLED_APPLICATIONS" set in ?
where is / are your file / s located in your project
directory ? how does your directory three structure look like ?
Maybe it is something related with this.
I am not an expert but these are a couple of things that called my


On May 23, 3:01 am, enqing <> wrote:
> No, I don't think so, first I edit my Model like this:
> in
> Class UeSetting(model.Model):
>             title =
> models.CharField('title',max_length=11,unique=True)
>             changetime =
> models.DateTimeField('changetime',auto_now_add=True)
>             def __unicode__(self):
>                  return self.title
> class BtsSetting(models.Model):
>             title =
> models.CharField('title',max_length=11,unique=True)
>             changetime =
> models.DateTimeField('changetime',auto_now_add=True)
>             def __unicode__(self):
>                  return self.title
> class CheSetting(models.Model):
>             title =
> models.CharField('title',max_length=11,unique=True)
>             changetime =
> models.DateTimeField('changetime',auto_now_add=True)
>             def __unicode__(self):
>                  return self.title
> In the same time edit
> class
> UeSettingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>           list_display = ['title',
> 'changetime']
>           ordering =
> ['changetime']
>           search_fields = ('title',
> 'changetime')
> class
> BtsSettingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>           list_display = ['title',
> 'changetime']
>           ordering =
> ['changetime']
>           search_fields = ('title', 'changetime')
> class
> CheSettingAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
>           list_display = ['title',
> 'changetime']
>           ordering =
> ['changetime']
>           search_fields = ('title', 'changetime')
> UeSettingAdmin)
> BtsSettingAdmin)
>, CheSettingAdmin)
> then I use command lik this:
> #python syncdb
> #python runserver
> at last, when I click the BtsSetting CheSetting in web browser are ok
> to show, but only when I click UeSetting, the browser will show this
> error:
> DatabaseError at /adminaddress/uesetting
> no such column: address_uesetting.changetime
> I have tried to run " syncdb" many time, but nothing change.
> FYI, my setting in batabase is :
>     'default': {
>         'ENGINE': 'sqlite3', # Add 'postgresql_psycopg2',
> 'postgresql', 'mysql', 'sqlite3' or 'oracle'.
>         'NAME': './data.db',                   # Or path to database
> file if using sqlite3.
>         'USER': '',                      # Not used with sqlite3.
>         'PASSWORD': '',                  # Not used with sqlite3.
>         'HOST': '',                      # Set to empty string for
> localhost. Not used with sqlite3.
>         'PORT': '',                      # Set to empty string for
> default. Not used with sqlite3.
>     }
> }
> On 5月21日, 下午10时18分, brad <> wrote:
> > It sounds like you may have created your Models, run " syncdb", then
> > added another field to your Model.
> > Remember, syncdb doesn't add new columns in your table when you add a new
> > field to an existing model.  If this app is still in development, you can
> > drop the whole table corresponding to that model and run syncdb again.
> > You should also consider looking at south ( It
> > provides migration tools that let you add columns to existing models via a
> > managment command.
> > - Brad

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