Defining your specific user profile as described in my previous post would 
work. It might need some work arounds and
additional methods to get it working.

If possible I think migrating the database table (the login , name and password 
fields only) you presented to the database your django project database is 
using, seems more elegant.
There would be no need for writing extra code to get this working. 
The only code extra would be , again, a user profile. For storing the role 

For more information about user profiling and django , take a look at:


> Thanks much for your reply Jonas, I'll give it a try later.
> SimpleUserFolder is a Zope "Product" that allows for authentication
> via other mechanisms than Zope's built-in user management. I'm sure
> there is a way to bend Django around the database tables in some way,
> but as i've never tried that before I thought it a good idea to ask
> the experts first.
> The database table is called "users" and has, among others, the
> following columns:
> mysql> desc users;
> +---------------------+--------------------------------+------+-----
> +-------------------+----------------+
> | Field               | Type                           | Null | Key |
> Default           | Extra          |
> +---------------------+--------------------------------+------+-----
> +-------------------+----------------+
> | user_id             | int(11)                        | NO   | PRI |
> NULL              | auto_increment |
> | login               | varchar(16)                    | NO   | UNI
> |                   |                |
> | name                | varchar(80)                    | NO   | MUL
> |                   |                |
> | password            | varchar(16)                    | YES  |     |
> NULL              |                |
> | role                | set('Manager','User','Driver') | YES  | MUL |
> Driver            |                |
> The password is encrypted using mysql's password() function, but I
> guess that would not pose too much of a problem, right?
> All the best, Uwe
> On 23 Mai, 00:16, Jonas Geiregat <> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I've never worked with Zope so SompleUserFolder doesn't ring a bell.
>> I'm assuming it's a database table name.
>> You can always extend the default user's profile.
>> This is done by creating a class , most people use UserProfile
>> class UserProfile(models.Model):
>>         user = models.ForeignKey(User, unique=True, related_name='profile')
>>         #your fields that point to your SimpleUserFolder
>> Then add the following to your file to let django use your class
>> AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE = 'accounts.UserProfile' # assuming you have created a 
>> accounts application
>> Op 22-mei-2011, om 17:31 heeft Uwe Schuerkamp het volgende geschreven:
>>> Hi folks,
>>> I'm in the process of migrating (or re-designing for that matter) a
>>> Zope-based user database /ranking system over to Django with roughly
>>> 30,000 accounts in it. The Zope instance uses SimpleUserFolder for
>>> authentication, so I was wondering if there is a way to authenticate
>>> django users from within the existing mysql database.
>>> Would it be possible to extract roles information from the user table
>>> as well?
>>> Thanks in advance for any ideas,
>>> Uwe
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>> Jonas Geiregat
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Jonas Geiregat

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