> Your idea of overriding the Serializer class sounds like a better idea to me. 
> It should be possible (and will be interesting) ,I'll think I'll look into 
> that tonight.

Overwriting django's default serializers is possible.
This is how I've done it:

In the root of my django project:

mkdir serializers
touch serializers/__init__.py

create serializers/json.py and add the following (I've just removed the pk and 
model fields which I don't like , but can of course be modified to your liking)

from django.core.serializers.python import Serializer as PythonSerializer

class Serializer(PythonSerializer):
    def end_object(self, obj):
            "fields" : self._current
        self._current = None

I've only tested this interactively but it seems to work

In [15]: from serializers.json import Serializer as JsonSerializer

In [16]: json_serializer = JsonSerializer()

In [17]: json_serializer.serialize(Item.objects.all())
Out[17]: [{'fields': {'name': u'foobar'}}]


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