On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:29 AM, Wesley Childs <childs.wes...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Why cant you do something like this to avoid exposing data if people are
> guessing primary keys....
> if request.user == Users.objects.get(id=pk-url):
>     Show data
> Else:
>     raise 404 or redirect to home page
> The above requires a logged in a user but you get the idea of not allowing
> people to start guessing to expose data.

You can't do this, in this case, *because* it requires a logged-in user.
Specifically, the OP is looking for a way to authenticate a user based on
their knowledge of a 'secret' URL, but if the URLs are predictable, then
discovering the secrets is trivial. Your solution is fine once the user has
been logged in, although some people would say that it can still give away
too much information*

Honestly, I can think of exactly two ways for the original poster to achieve
his goal (and I've deployed systems using each of these):

1. Sign** the ID with a secret known only to the web server. Put the ID and
the signature in the URL somewhere, and, when the user hits the view, sign
the ID again, and verify that the signatures match. This doesn't hide the ID
at all, but it ensures that nobody can forge a url with a different ID than
the server gave them.

2. Generate a unique token for each record, randomly. Use a UUID, they're
great for that. Then use the token in the URL, and look for the token in the
database when the user comes back to the confirmation view. If your tokens
are actually random, and large enough (say, 64 bits), then anybody trying to
guess them will be wasting their time.

Ian Clelland

* By looking at the database IDs, people can gauge how heavily the system is
being used, or if they see a key for someone else's record, they can
estimate when that record was created, by comparing it to their own data.

** And by sign, I mean HMAC.

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