Thanks yu hepled me to resolve the problem..

The problem was 

i used it earlier as

raise forms.ValidationError("Item Code [" + fieldrec.barcode_id + "] already 
exists." + mark_safe("Error<br />here") + fieldrec.i_name + " -- " + 
str(fieldrec.i_size) + "(ml) -- Rs." + str(fieldrec.i_price) + " -- Last 
Updated On: " + lud.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") +"]")

which didnt work

later i gave it as

raise forms.ValidationError(mark_safe("Item Code [" + fieldrec.barcode_id + 
"] already exists." + "Error<br />here"+ fieldrec.i_name + " -- " + 
str(fieldrec.i_size) + "(ml) -- Rs." + str(fieldrec.i_price) + " -- Last 
Updated On: " + lud.strftime("%d/%m/%Y") +"]"  ) )

thanks a lot

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