On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Shawn Milochik <sh...@milochik.com> wrote:
> How to ask an actual question so maybe someone can answer it.

Shawn, that's uncalled-for. I'm super-impressed with how much work
you're putting into answer people's questions here, and I really do
appreciate it. But this sort of thing isn't a good tone to set around

Yes, GKR's question was incredibly unclear and impossible to answer,
and yes this happens a lot around here. But we have to remember as
frustrating as these vague questions are to us, the person at the
other end is frustrated, too. Please be polite -- perhaps suggestions
about how to better word questions. Or just ignore it and move on. Far
better to say nothing than to say something mocking or hostile or

Again, thanks to you -- and everyone! -- who takes time to answer
questions. But please try to be polite and kind. Keep the tone here
something we can all be proud of.


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