> The only encoding that isn;t going to wrap is charset="us-ascii"

Actually, looking at the resulting file, it *does* say it's

> An email client would read "=\r\n" as a soft line break, and remove it
> when displaying the message.

I tried cutting/pasting the text, and sending it to myself, but the
resulting email still displayed as wrapped (I'm using Eudora 7 on
Windows XP). However, I'm not sure if I managed to *exactly* duplicate
the scenario if Django sent a real email. When I cut/pasted the text
(from Notepad++) into Eudora, it *looked* the same - an "=" followed
by a carriage return, but that's not to say it is exactly what Django
would have done, I admit.

Maybe I should back up a level and explain my original problem :) I'm
using the *django-registration* app, which can send an email with an
account activation link, where the link is a long URL, with a random
token at the end, matching a token in the new account.

And the email (or text file) that I'm seeing generated, contains a
line break in the *token* part of the URL - so a user couldn't just
cut/paste the link and have it work.

The *django-registration* app has been around for a while, I'm sure
I'm not the first one to encounter this scenario, it must work fine
for zillions of other people :)

If you're sure email readers will handle the text properly, then I
guess I have to skip using Django's file-based email backend, and
actually configure something to send real email. I was hoping to not
do this just yet, but so it goes. :)

Thanks for the replies.
John C>

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