I found the problem, but stil doesn't really know what to do.
But i was fairly sure that i used 1.3, which i did.
But when i install the debug-toolbar with sudo apt-get install pyhton-
My django version changes to version 1.1.1
Where can i get the toolbar otherwise, and without apparently reseting
my django version?

On 5 Maj, 14:12, Karen Tracey <kmtra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, May 5, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Jacob Scherffenberg 
> <dikumol...@gmail.com>wrote:
> > Im using Django-1.3
> Are you absolutely sure about that? The message generally happens when you
> have a settings file produced by 1.2+ or higher (thus including the
> django.contrib.messages app in INSTALLED_APPS) but the running level of
> Django is from before that module was added.
> Karen
> --http://tracey.org/kmt/

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