On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 9:22 AM, simon <kagwew...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using Django 1.2.3. I was trying to check user permissions on a
> certain model using the perms context variable from
> contrib.auth.context_processors.auth. As per the documentation, I
> tried this (foo is the app label, Bar is the model, and I'm using
> default permissions):
> {% if perms.foo.change_bar %} do stuff {% endif %}
> It's always false even when logged in as a superuser. I tried doing
> {{user.username}} to see if the user variable worked and it also
> displayed nothing. So I checked in the debug toolbar and the variables
> I get from the auth context processor are these:
> {'messages':
> <django.contrib.messages.storage.user_messages.LegacyFallbackStorage
> object at 0xa38284c>,
>  'perms': <django.utils.functional.__proxy__ object at 0xa2f236c>,
>  'user': <django.utils.functional.SimpleLazyObject object at
> 0xa31748c>}

Is your view using a RequestContext to render the response? If not, that
would explain why user does not appear to be set in your context. In order
for context processors to affect your template's context, you must use a
RequestContext for rendering. Context processors are not run for templates
rendered with a regular Context.

Note the debug toolbar displaying the context processor and the variables it
would set for the response don't imply that those variables were actually
set in the context used to render the response: debug toolbar shows this
information for all responses, regardless of whether a RequestContext was
used to render the response.


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