On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 11:47 AM, Jeff Blaine <cjbla...@gmail.com> wrote:
> How is this possible based on the model below?
> d = Device()
> d.save()
> # no errors
> class Device(models.Model):
>     propertyno      = models.CharField('Property Number',
>                                        max_length=10,
>                                        primary_key=True)

It's because CharField have a `default` of "" -- that is, the empty
string. So you've created a Device with a propertyno of "" (again, an
empty string). That's a valid pk value as far as some DBs are

Notice that the model won't validate -- because you haven't set
`blank` to `True` -- but it will save. (For backwards-compatibility
reasons, save() can't trigger validation).


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