On Apr 23, 12:29 pm, kamal sharma <kamalp.sha...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No it was .profile of mine. Now I have set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH in app.wsgi
> as mentioned below and when I print the os.environ in the beginning of
> views.py then it shows that newly added value.

It's clear that your LD_LIBRARY_PATH is fine at this point, since the
library must be loaded in order to get the ORA-01804 error.  The
problem, as Jirka and I have suggested, is that the rest of your
Oracle installation is still not visible to the process, which is
preventing the client from reading its data files.  Why this is the
case is unclear without knowing more details about your system.  Is
the Oracle directory readable by the WSGI user?  Is the WSGI process
running inside a chroot jail?

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