I'm sorry, maybe I didn't explain it correctly.

I have a form (not a modelform) with a modelchoicefield.

class myForm(forms.Form):
    recorridos = Recorrido.objects.filter(showinform=True)
    option = forms.ModelChoiceField(recorridos)

User selects a choice, and POST.
In my view, after validating it, I store firstForm.cleaned_data in
session (request.session['firstForm']=firstForm.cleaned_data).

Later, in other view, I want to show to the user the same form with
the option he has choosen, so I do the following:

secondForm = myForm(request.session['firstForm'])

this don't work, because firstForm.cleaned_data cleans "option" field
to Recorrido object, instead of a dict.

If I store  firstForm.data or request.POST in session, instead of
firstForm.cleaned_data, it works correctly, because they're a dict.

The question is:
what is the best way of do what I want to do?
I don't think it will be store firstForm.data o request.POST in
session it's a good idea, so, what are the other possibilities?

I 've taken a look at modelForm, but it seems to be more complicated
to obtain the result I want, especially because my form don't map
closely to a model.


On 22 abr, 07:09, Andy McKay <a...@clearwind.ca> wrote:
> On 2011-04-21, at 4:07 PM, ekms wrote:
> > So, what is the correct way to create a bound form of
> > ModelChoiceField? I  could store request.POST or myform.data instead
> > of myform.cleaned_data, but I don't know if this is right.
> You are confusing me when you say a bound form of a ModelChoiceField. Since 
> one is a form and one is a field. You can create a ModelForm given a Model 
> and its instance or primary key as outlined here:
> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/forms/modelforms/#modelform
> --
>   Andy McKay
>   a...@clearwind.ca
>   twitter: @andymckay

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