I posted in the original problem.
cs_hold_rec_list = CsInvHold.objects.filter(inventory_ok=0)

Right now, I can get what I need by doing this:

      qs = CsInvHold.objects.filter(inventory_ok=0)
       if qs:
           cs_list.append(['','Customer Synch Data On Hold Due To
Missing From AMR Inventory', ''])
           cs_list.append(['PremiseID', 'Endpoint ID', 'Date

           for each_q in qs:
int(each_q.endpointid), str(each_q.last_update)])

I want to get the entire result set without iteration through the

In addition from what I read in the documentation, I was supposed to
get a QuerySet returned on a filter, not a model object reference.
I'm not sure why this is happening.

On Apr 21, 3:08 pm, Daniel Roseman <dan...@roseman.org.uk> wrote:
> On Thursday, April 21, 2011 7:52:02 PM UTC+1, octopusgrabbus wrote:
> > I have been able to narrow my question down. I can pull individual
> > columns from the returned model object reference. How can I get all
> > those columns in a list. Wrapping in a list() function returns an
> > error object is not iterable error.
> > After four messages from you in this thread, it is still not at all clear
> where your problem is. What function? What list? What error? Where?
> --
> DR.

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