I'm trying to make a concordance (ie, a list of a certain searchterm,
including its surrounding context) and I can get it to work in the
interpreter, but I'm having problems figuring out how to make it a
list that I can pass it to the template.  This is what works in the
interpreter (tokens is a list of words which can be accessed by an
index number, and offset is the index number corresponding to the

>>> for offset in offsets:
...     before = ' '.join(tokens[offset-5:offset])          #Takes the
five preceding words and joins them in a string
...     word = tokens[offset]                                     #The
searchterm occurance
...     after = ' '.join(tokens[offset+1:offset+5])        #The five
words after the searchterm
...     print "%s %s %s" % (before, word, after)
حنانلافاقتزاهيةتبرلي برشه وسيلة في العادة بكوشة
فيهاشويةمشاكلوطلبةوشوية برشه حاجات يعني وكما تعرف
يلقىحلعلىالخاطرتوا برشه ناس كما نحنا هكه
بالكلّوالبلادقاعدةتخسرفي برشه م الشباب متاعها على
كانطحانغيرهاوينوفمّه برشه ممّن تسّوللهم انفسهم الرخيصه

I know you can't read the Arabic output that's written there, but it's
exactly as it should be. Any way I've tried to get the before, word,
after returned as variables (or lists of variables) so I can pass them
to the template, it doesn't work.

What I want to be able to do is something like this:
    {% for before, word, after in context %}
        <li>{{ before }} <bold>{{ word }}</bold> {{ after }}</li>
    {% endfor %}

I just can't figure out how to do it... Can anyone point me in the
right direction?


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