I'm still lost with all of this. Haha.. Thanks for the advice, I will
try out some of the javascript stuff.

On Mar 16, 4:58 pm, "OrazioPirataDelloSpazio (Lorenzo)"
<ziducai...@autistici.org> wrote:
> Hello,
> I was in your same situation some weeks ago.
> I checked almost all the django-facebook integration projects and each
> one of the uses old and not-documented api (facebook recently changed
> apis, and deprecated other stuff such as fbml in favor of the modern
> graph api).
> At the end I gave up.
> Now I am using only javascript with fb official graph api the works well.
> Lorenzo
> Il 16/03/11 15:46, mongoose ha scritto:
> > Hi,
> > I've been struggling so much trying to get a Facebook app to work on
> > the Django framework. Mostly battling with pyFacebook. For some
> > particular reason the login just doesn't work for me. I've posted some
> > help questions and still come up with nothing. Perhaps the pyFacebook
> > is outdated?
> > But my question is What do you use to build facebook applications with
> > django? Why am I having such a hard time when I believe this is
> > supposed to be reasonably easy to accomplish.
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