> Is there an easy way to just drop the 'category_slug' the detail_view,
> or is it another/better way to do this?

I missed a 'in' there:" just drop the 'category_slug' in* the
detail_view "

Anyways, it seems like you got the idea.

Im trying to modify the view you wrote for me for the category view.

def detail_view(request, project_slug, category_slug = None):
    queryset = Project.objects.filter(project_slug = project_slug ,
category__slug = category_slug)
    context = {'project_slug': project_slug , 'category_slug':
    return object_detail(request, queryset, extra_context =

(Mind I don't have a clue what Im doing here, just trying things out,
that seems logic to me)

Then I get the error:

AttributeError at /portfolio/web/web_project/
Generic detail view must be called with either an object_id or a

If I change the return object_detail to return object_list

I get this error:

TypeError at /portfolio/web/web_project/
Cannot resolve keyword 'project_slug' into field

I have this in the top of the view.py

from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_list
from django.views.generic.list_detail import object_detail
from myproject.portfolio.models import Project
from myproject.portfolio.models import Category

Is the view so wrong I think it is, or am I just importing the wrong
genric view?

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