On 8 avr, 11:25, gintare <g.statk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I do not know how to save changes:
>  for Lists in [a.SynGREn, a.SynGREnn]:
> .......
> ...... make changes in field by editing Lists, i.e. cropping part of
> text: changed_text=crop(Lists, words)
> .......Lists=changed_text
> ....... a.save()
> HOW to save these changes to model back?
> #  a.save() does save changes  for model field a.SynGREn ,
> a.SynGREnn

Indeed - you have to reassign the newly computed values to you model
instance's attributes. You want something like:

for fieldname in ("SynGREn", "SynGREnn"):
    value = getattr(a, fieldname)
    new_value = do_something_to(value)
    setattr(a, fieldname, new_value)

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