There is a way to get it I know there is but I cant see the wood for the trees There are 2 areas each with the same name but belonging to the same PracticeCategory Practice categories are Individual and Business There is a practicetype called Property that belongs to Individual (1) There is a practicetype called Property that belongs to Business (2)
Awkward I know but trust me this is the 4th goalpost change in as many weeks Models excerpts PracticeCategory PracticeType - category = models.ForeignKey(PracticeCategory) Partner - area = models.ManyToManyField(PracticeType) View excerpt def pracpart(request, id): this = PracticeCategory.objects.all().order_by('priority',) practice = PracticeType.objects.filter(pk=id) for p in practice: partner_list = p.partner_set.all() Template excerpt {% for p in partner_list %} {% for a in p.area.all %}{{ a.practice }}, {% endfor %} Now this outputs correctly all the areas in which a partner practices BUT becasue of the same name/title requirement of the practicearea it repeats itself as Property, Property so what I want to do is either limit the result of {% for a in p.area.all %} to only PracticeCategory 1 (Individual) or group the result set by the PracticeCategory --- The regroup would be neater but I'd be happy just to get an output by PracticeCategory 1 (Individual) Cheers -- View this message in context: Sent from the django-users mailing list archive at -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Django users" group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to For more options, visit this group at