You can try saving the data as
latitude=models.DecimalField(max_digits=7,decimal_places=4).Same for the
longitude field.Here the max_digits takes into account both decimal and
non-decimal places.All the data can be given in string form as it will be
automatically converted to proper format as specified in your models for
storing in database. I guess you will be using some criteria to extract data
from the,code can look like

for i in list_of_XYZ:
    i.latitude,i.longitude ,i.zoomlevel

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 1:45 AM, jay K. <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I got a couple of fields from a model I want to use
> so the looks like this
> *
> class XZY():
>    latitude = models.CharField(....)
>    longitude = models.CharField(.....)
>    zoomlevel = models.CharField(....)*
> I want to retrieve the data inside latitude, longitude and zoomlevel
> to be able to create a static map for different locations, using google
> maps
> How can I retrieve the fields data?
> thanks
>  --
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