I don't know much about Posgresql 8.3, I use mysql.

In my experience, you can choose to add the model and then do a migrate. As in 
manage.py schemamigration [app] --auto. 
That would create a migration and then you can do a manage.py migrate auto. 
You must have south installed on your system. 
With your system, you can try, manage.py sql reset
That might help. 

Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

-----Original Message-----
From: jd <kkswi...@gmail.com>
Sender: django-users@googlegroups.com
Date: Sat, 2 Apr 2011 18:21:24 
To: Django users<django-users@googlegroups.com>
Reply-To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Hi, I'm trying to reset my db (using multiple dbs) but flush and
 reset don't seem to drop the tables.

I've tried

>python manage.py flush    --database 'retail'

...and then changed the model a little.

syncdb gives no output about table creation afterwards, and objects
that were in the db remain after the flush.

also tried ...

>python manage.py reset  retail_store  --database 'retail'

same thing.

Posgresql 8.3
ubuntu 8.4
django 1.3 dev

any ideas? TIA

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