Hi, Cal Leeming,

Thanks for the tips

Ok, here is what I did step by step,

First I've modified the models.py file adding this like:

// code starts

*class City ( models.Model ):


   class Translation ( multilingual.Translation ):

        tourism_text = models.TextField ( 'Tourism text', blank = True, null
= False )

       ** climate_text = models.TextField ( 'Climate text', blank = True,
null = False )*

// code ends

The code in bold and italics is the code I've added inside models.py.

Inside the admin page of my website, there is a text area called 'Tourism
text', where the HTML code for the Tourism section of my webpage is added.
What I want to do is to add a 'Climate text' text area so I can write
additional HTML content for a new Climate subpage.

Then, in order to update my database, I go to
/var/www/django-install/myproject and type:

*python manage.py syncdb*

But I get the following error message: *Error: No module named multilingual*

By the way, after modifying the models.py and saving it, I got a 'Internal
Server Error 500' on my website. So I had to delete all additions I had made
to models.py.

Now the website is running, but I am unable to make my desired

Again, thanks for your time and assistance,

Jake K.

PS: let me know if you need more details

On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 2:46 PM, Cal Leeming [Simplicity Media Ltd] <
cal.leem...@simplicitymedialtd.co.uk> wrote:

> Hi Jake,
> Please ensure you always paste example source code, where possible and
> within reason.
> It is extremely difficult for people to help if they don't have this.
> If you respond back with this, I'm sure one of us will be able to give you
> a hand.
> Cheers
> Cal
> On Tue, Mar 29, 2011 at 5:49 PM, jake k. <jykl...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, All
>> I was wondering if you can help me with this one.
>> I've modified part of my models.py file so I can have a new text area
>> inside
>> my django admin page. I need to add this text area so I can add
>> content to a new subpage
>> I have added the new text area, but after saving and refreshing the
>> page, the admin site
>> would look unchanged, without the new text area I added inside
>> models.py file
>> What's wrong?
>> How can I update my models.py file?
>> Thanks for your time and assistance, your reply would be greatly
>> appreciated
>> Regards,
>> --
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