On Sunday, March 27, 2011 07:38:46 pm django beginner wrote:
> hi django experts,
> how do I strip the following string in python (Charfield format)
> 14:00
> 3:00
> wherein I could compare the results - convert in integer:
> if 14 > 3 . . .
> thanks in advance!

a = "14:00"
b = "3:00"

def parseTime(s)
# split them at ":"
        split = s.split(':')
   raise ValueError("{0} is not in the right format.".format(s)

if split[0].isdigit():
        # explicitly cast string val to an int to get an int.
        i = int(split[0])
        raise TypeError("{0} is not an int.".format(split[0])

return i

if parseTime(a) > parseTime(b):
  # do stuff.

string methods are cool: http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html#string-


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