
    urlpatterns = patterns('',
    url(r'^admin/', include(admin.site.urls)),
    (r'^', include('apps.textcontent.urls')),

when i pass: /admin/ all is ok, but when I pass /admin -
apps.textcontent.urls are executed, but why?

Well because the URL pattern is a regular expression that is matched against the URL, and you explicitly stated that there has to be a / at the end.

Change it to url(r'^admin/?',…) and it will work both with '/admin' and '/admin/'.

But: this is bad URL etiquette. You should choose a schema (/ or not) and stick with it. Even better: create a view that matches the opposite of your chosen schema and permanently redirects to the correct URL (or enable normalisation in your webserver, that would be easier)

Pascal Germroth

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