I also have made the conversion from Java/Swing/Webapp(jnlp) to Django,
but I used Flex (a.k.a. Flash)  for my UI because I've got a rich client
background and did not want to deal with Browser inconsistencies.  I'm
happy with that choice.  I use a very simple django template to render a
very consistent XML which Flex accepts.  This allowed me to initially
develop my UI using XML text files which allowed me to show results very


You can get a free 60 day developer license from Adobe, which should be
enough to complete most of the task and then get management to buy a
licensee (~$500 depending on ???)  Adobe used to sell a very pricey
backend which you don't need with django.


If you decide to go this route, I can help you with the initial startup
issues.   If so, post back here with Flex + Django as the subject.  If
it gets too involved we can move off the django list, but others might
be interested.


From: django-users@googlegroups.com
[mailto:django-users@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of David Kovar
Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2011 12:56 PM
To: django-users@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: Rewriting Java UI for Django?




Thank you for the insight. Thankfully, I'm trying to port rather than
wrap so while I've got a learning curve ahead of me, it isn't a horrible




On Mar 24, 2011, at 11:40 AM, Patrick McDonnell wrote:

David - I'm not sure I follow exactly what you're asking.


If you're trying to basically port a Java/Swing application to Django:
Django is a web application framework.  Python with the Django libraries
are used on the back end, and HTML is used on the front end (technically
it is possible to use something other than an HTML front end, but that
woud be very unusual).  So, in answer to your question,
HTML/JavaScript/CSS/etc are used to develop your UI.  Django does offer
some utilities to make your job easier (see the docs for forms and
templates), but the majority of the UI design must be done by hand.


Also note that Django does automatically generate an admin UI for all of
your database models.  By default, its a pretty simple CRUD interface,
but you can modify it a bit, see the docs.


If, however, you're asking how to "wrap" an existing Java/Swing
application inside of Django... That would be much more complicated, and
probably not a very good idea.




On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 10:13 AM, David Kovar <dko...@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm fairly experienced with Python for backend, non UI/UX tasks but am
very new to trying to do any UI work other than command lines. This'll
come off as a very newbie question, and it is.

I need to take an existing Java/Swing UI and wrap it inside of Django to
provide authentication, customer support, etc. I've got a pretty good
handle on most of this, except for:

       What is the best Python approach to writing a web UI that
includes dropdown menus, radio buttons, etc?

It may be that Django will do this for me, but I've not figured out how
to do so yet.



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