I just ran into this today and was curious. My setup is this:

    class MyGenericView(DeleteView):
        success_url = reverse('my-name')

This will produce the from the original author. I got around this by
overriding get_success_url():

    class MyGenericView(DeleteView):
        def get_success_url(self):
            return reverse('my-name')

Is this the preferred/proper way to accomplish this? While looking
around in the tickets I did find this ticket:


This made me believe that maybe the generic views were using
redirect() (which can accept names), but I tried setting success_url
to 'my-name' and it sends an HttpRedirectResponse with that as the
target. Looking in django.views.generic.edit shows that it is just
calling HttpRedirectResponse. Should these call redirect() instead of



(django 1.3 rc 1 SVN-15894)

On Feb 18, 5:00 pm, jnns <jva...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi users,
> I have a CreateView which I'd like to redirect to a custom success_url
> defined in my URLconf. As I want to stick to the DRY-principle I just
> did the following:
>    success_url = reverse("my-named-url")
> Unfortunately, this breaks my site by raising an
> "ImproperlyConfigured: The included urlconf doesn't have any patterns
> in it". Removing success_url and setting the model's
> get_absolute_url() to the following works fine:
>    def get_absolute_url(self):
>        return reverse("my-named-url")
> I could reproduce this with a brand new project/application so I don't
> think this has something to do with my setup.
> Can anyone confirm this issue?

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