class Queue(models.Model):
  # fields here, not relevant for this discussion

class Task(models.Mode):
  queue = models.ForeignKey("Queue")
  status = models.IntegerField(choices=STATUS_CHOICES)

I am trying to create a Queue queryset that will annotate each Queue
with the number of tasks whose queue field is pointing to that Queue
and status field has a certain value.

I don't think annotate will work for me due to me needing to count up
only tasks whose status field has a certain value.  I think I might
need extra?  But I'm having touble making that work.

qs = Queue.objects.extra(select={'task_open_count':"select count(*)
from taskmanager_task inner join taskmanager_queue on
taskmanager_task.queue_id = where

I know this isn't doing the right thing.  This seems to be annotating
all of the resulting queues withthe total number of open tasks (I

Can anyone give me a hand?  Thank you!


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