On Mon, Mar 14, 2011 at 8:16 AM, gamingdroid <gamingdr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. So beyond the fact that RequestContext can accept a dictionary with
> values to be included in the Context, what is the difference between
> RequestContext and Context?
> I tried reviewing the source code, but it still isn't really clear
> (i.e. meaning I didn't quite understand the source code).
> 2. Why is it that Context automatically loads some context processors
> while RequestContext does NOT?
> At least it almost seem like it, because when I tried to use
> RequestContext, I had to include
> ''django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth'' in the
> TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSOR variable in settings.py for the admin site
> to work, but did not when just using the standard Context.

Context doesn't 'load' (execute) any context processors. All context
processors are callables that take a request as their only argument,
this alone should convince you that a standard Context doesn't call
any context processors.

As for the differences between Context and RequestContext, the docs
are quite clear:




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